CS190J, Winter 2019


num ready? description assigned due
h00 true Bios and Photos Fri 01/11 08:00AM Thu 01/18 11:59AM
h01 true Reflections on tutoring and how people learn Fri 01/18 03:30PM Thu 01/25 03:30PM
h02 true Summarize research paper Fri 01/25 03:30PM Fri 02/01 03:30PM
h03 true Shadow an experienced tutor Fri 02/01 03:30PM Fri 02/15 03:30PM
ic01 true Lightning talks Fri 02/01 08:00AM Fri 03/08 11:59AM
proj01 true Observed 1-on-1 help session Fri 02/01 08:00AM Fri 03/08 11:59AM
proj02 true Final report Fri 02/15 08:00AM Fri 03/15 11:59AM


num date description
Lecture 1 Fri 01/11 Orientation to the course
Lecture 2 Fri 01/18 Scenes from tutoring
Lecture 3 Fri 01/25 Revealing Implicit Bias, CS Ed Research topics
Lecture 4 Fri 02/01 What do CS teachers need to know?
Lecture 5 Fri 02/08 Assisting students on Programming Assignments
Lecture 6 Fri 02/15 Creating an inclusive climate
Lecture 7 Fri 02/22 Peer reviewed tutoring session
Lecture 8 Fri 03/01 CS Ed Lightning talks
Lecture 9 Fri 03/08 CS Ed Lightning talks (continued)
Lecture 10 Fri 03/15 Wrap up