h02: Summarize research paper

ready? assigned due
true Fri 10/18 03:00PM Fri 10/25 03:00PM


The goals of this assignment are:

For this homework we ask that you select one of the papers from the list of CS Ed related papers available at this link https://ucsb-teaching-cs.github.io/f19/info/papers/ on the course web site.

  1. (100 pts) Write a short essay that weaves in the answers to the following questions:

Writing guidelines

This is a writing assignment, so we emphasize on producing a coherent and well structured piece. Below are some guidelines on what I am looking for in your essay:

Submission instructions: Type out your essay. Include your name, perm and email on the top left corner. Clearly write the title of the paper and authors and include the paper as a reference at the end of your essay. Then upload a pdf to gradescrope to h02.