proj03: Creating an Assignment / Tutorial / Lesson for your Students
ready? | assigned | due |
true | Fri 11/01 08:00AM | Fri 12/06 11:59AM |
(100 pts) The goal of this assignment is to produce a fun and engaging lesson on a topic you feel is something that will benefit students in the course you tutor in. This assignment may be done individually or in pairs. There are several ways this assignment can be done such as:
Video tutorial - Explain a topic in a fun and interactive way. Can possibly record drawings to illustrate concepts, screen while live coding, etc.
Programming Assignment - Create a relevant programming assignment (instructions, requirements, etc) with any relevant starter code and solutions covering a topic you feel is important.
Lesson Plan Outline - Create a detailed lesson plan on a topic with relevant explanations / definitions / examples that describe the relevance and mechanics of a concept you feel is important.
Suggest something! - If you have an idea, communicate this with the instructor of the class you are tutoring for and the 190J instructor proposing your idea.
Please submit a brief summary (~0.5 pages) of the educational goals you want students to get out of your assignment. Write this summary in a file called README.txt
. In additiono too submitting this summary, please submit any relevant files, links to videos, and/or slides that you created for your assignment on Gradescope.