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Lecture 3,
Revealing Implicit Bias, CS Ed Research topics
Review H00
Most folks have submitted; if you didn’t, please do by noon.
Homework H01
For CS190J students only. (Optional for others)
- Please read and summarize one research paper about CS Education.
- There is a list of suggested papers here.
- Or you can find your own using the ACM Digital Library to look for papers in the list of conferences and journals indicated on the H01 assignment description.
- Any paper that is “related work” to the ones in the list is acceptable (i.e. cited by, or cites).
- If you go further afield than that, please check in with your supervising instructor; send them a link to the paper in the Digital Library. (The “ACM Ref”) is a good way to cite it.
- Please submit your work in writing in class