h03: Shadow an experienced tutor

ready? assigned due
true Fri 01/24 03:30PM Fri 02/07 03:30PM


Turn in your assignment on gradescope by typing out your answers to the following questions in the associated online assignment on gradescope.

    (100 pts) Look up the CS open lab schedule, and find a tutor who is not currently enrolled in 190J. You may select any of the tutors in the lower division courses. Your assignment is to observe the tutor in action for atleast 30 minutes during their open labs. You should select a time to do this observation that is outside your own open lab hours. Take notes using the following prompts and enter your answers in the homework on gradescope. Write your observation by responding to the following prompts. If the tutor assisted multiple students during this time, pick one interaction that you found to be the most interesting.

  1. Write the name of the tutor you observed.
  2. What was the student's question? Was the student's question clear? Describe in as much detail as possible
  3. What was the tutor's initial response to the student? Describe the first two minutes of the interaction in detail
  4. Summarize the interaction in more detail. Describe the tone and style of the tutor.
  5. How well do you think the tutor understood the student's question? If the student's question was not clear, what did the tutor do?
  6. How easy was it for you to follow the tutor's explanation? In your opinion, how easy was it for the student to follow the tutor's explanation? Why?
  7. How well do you think the tutor responded to the student? Comment on tone, body-language, pace, and interactivity. If the tutor did not know the answer, what did they do?
  8. Were there other students waiting to talk to the tutor? If so, what did the tutor do to manage their time?
  9. Based on your observation of the tutor (over multiple interactions), write three things that the tutor did well.
  10. Based on your observation of the tutor (over multiple interactions), write three things that the tutor could improve on.