Tutor FAQ - work in progress

Frequently Asked Questions about the UCSB CS Tutor Program

Questions Asked by Tutors

Q - What are Open and Closed labs?

A - Closed labs are also known as “sections” - scheduled classes (usually in one hour slots) that are led by the TAs and tutors, where students work on their weekly lab assignments. Open labs are the times that are reserved throughout the week, usually in the evening, where students can come in and either work on assignments, or ask any questions they have about the course. We usually expect most tutors to hold both Closed and Open las hours, however, the exact time requirements vary with each course.

Q - I’m a paid tutor, do I have to attend the 190J lectures?

A - Most likely you don’t. CS190J lectures are meant only for people who are enrolled in the course, however, paid tutors may be asked to participate in some of the activities that are part of CS190J on a voluntary basis.

Q - I’m a paid tutor, will signing up for more Open Lab hours help me get paid more?

A - Technically, yes, the more you work - the more time you can report to Kronos, but there are many far better ways to work more than overworking in labs. Being active on Piazza, helping set up a review session for the upcoming exams, responding to students’ requests to give hints to why their program is not working properly, or grading (if authorized by your instructor) are all great ways to contribute.

Questions asked by Faculty